Sale on Selected Breast Pump Models ️‍🔥
Empowering-Motherhood-Exclusive-Pumping-with-The-Night-Owl-Wearable-Breast-Pumps The Night Owl{Wearable breast pump} {breast pump} {hands free breast pump} {portable breast pump} 

Empowering Motherhood: Exclusive Pumping with The Night Owl Wearable Breast Pumps

Empowering Motherhood: Exclusive Pumping with The Night Owl Wearable Breast Pumps

Parenthood is a journey filled with unique choices, and for many mothers, the decision to exclusively pump is a thoughtful and personal one. The Night Owl understands the importance of providing mothers with the tools they need for a seamless and comfortable pumping experience. As we delve into the world of exclusive pumping, we explore how our wearable breast pumps, particularly the Original Night Owl V2 and Mumma Owl models, can enhance and simplify this journey.

Why Choose Exclusive Pumping (also known as exclusive expressing)?

Exclusive pumping offers a flexible alternative to direct breastfeeding, allowing mothers to provide nourishment to their little ones. Whether due to personal preference, work commitments, or other reasons, many mothers find exclusive pumping to be a fulfilling and practical choice.

It is a common misconception that ALL wearable breast pumps are not "as good" as other pumps as they "aren't strong enough". Although this may be true for some, this isn't true in our case. The strength in our wearable pump motors is actually higher than most average breast pumps out there in the market.

The Original Night Owl V2 and Mumma Owl are the 2 recommended models for exclusive pumping.

One of the keys to a successful pumping journey lies in the motor performance of a breast pump. Both the Original Night Owl V2 and Mumma Owl boast advanced motor technology that combines power with precision, boasting upto 300mmHg of suction power, ideal for an exclusive expresser. This ensures an efficient and comfortable pumping experience, reducing the time spent expressing milk without compromising on effectiveness.

Every mother's body is unique, and our breast pumps are all designed to accommodate these differences. The additional customisable suction levels and modes in the Original Night Owl V2 and Mumma Owl allow you to tailor your pumping session to your individual comfort and milk expression needs. Find the perfect combination that works for you and enhances your exclusive pumping routine.

Gone are the days of being tethered to a wall outlet during pumping sessions. All of our wearable breast pumps give you the freedom to pump discreetly and conveniently. Slip the pump into your bra, and you're ready to go about your day while expressing milk. Particularly as an exclusive expresser, your using your pump even more. The more compact and portable design of both the Original Night Owl V2 and Mumma Owl makes them ideal companions for the modern, multitasking mum.

How Often Should You Pump When Exclusively Expressing?

If you're exclusively pumping, you might be wondering how often you should be pumping and how much time should pass between each session. The frequency of pumping can vary depending on factors such as your baby's age, your milk supply, and your personal comfort.

General Guidelines for Pumping Frequency

For newborns, it's generally recommended to pump around 8 to 12 times in a 24-hour period. This mimics the natural feeding rhythm of a baby who is breastfeeding directly, helping to establish and maintain your milk supply. As your baby grows and your milk supply becomes well-established, you might find that you can reduce the number of pumping sessions slightly, perhaps to 6 to 8 times per day.

Timing Between Pumping Sessions

The timing between pumping sessions can also vary depending on your schedule and how your body responds to pumping. In the early weeks, you might find yourself pumping every 2 to 3 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night. As your supply stabilises, some mothers find they can go a bit longer between sessions, but it's important not to go too long without pumping, as this can affect your milk supply.

Our Original Night Owl V2 and Mumma Owl wearable breast pumps in particular are designed with exclusive expressers in mind. With up to 300mmHg of suction power, customisable settings, and a compact design, these pumps ensure you can maintain your pumping schedule easily and comfortably, whether you're at home or on the go.



At The Night Owl, we understand the commitment involved in exclusive pumping, and we're here to support you with the right tools and information. Whether you're pumping around the clock for a newborn or adjusting your routine as your baby grows. 

Choosing to exclusively pump is a commitment, and at The Night Owl, we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way. Our portable breast pumps are not 'just breast pumps'; they are partners in your motherhood journey, offering reliability, comfort, and efficiency.

As you embark on or continue your exclusive pumping journey, trust in the quality and performance of the night owl wearable breast pumps. We are honored to be a part of your motherhood story, providing the tools you need to help nurture your little one while embracing the flexibility that exclusive expressing offers 💜


Explore our range of hands free wearable breast pumps to find the perfect partner for your exclusive pumping journey.


Resources: Australian Breastfeeding Association

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