My Hospital Bag Checklist (Having a baby in Melbourne, Australia)
Hi Mumma's!
I am sharing with you all what my hospital checklist looked like (for my belongings) when I was having my baby. I am well aware that depending on the hospital you go to, some things may be provided to you. From what I have learnt hospitals overseas often provide a lot of these things, however it is generally not like this in Australia. These were the things that were useful to me in a public hospital in Melbourne, Australia and this is based on my personal experience and purely my opinion and what I found super helpful.
I went into hospital expecting a vaginal birth and had packed my bag relevant to this for my postpartum recovery, however I ended up having to have an emergency c-section, which meant a lot of what I packed I didn't use, and there were a few things I unfortunately didn't bring with me which would've been useful which I have noted in my comments within the "did I use it" column.
I have included these in the list for you mumma's. As I said, completely my opinion based on my experiences and if there's one thing to know it's that everyone's experiences are very different!
Hope this helps Mumma's! What was your most useful thing in your hospital bag? Drop it in the comments below xx
Comfortable, loose fitting pyjamas
Comfortable loose fitting outfit
Only when arriving & leaving
Wore compression socks provided by hospital the whole time, except when leaving
Yes, except being post c-section I wish I had bought high waisted underwear that was up a size so that they wouldn't graze against my wound!
Only when leaving, because it made me feel a bit better to wash my hair and just use a curler - do something small for me. Tricked my brain into thinking I was less I don't know, tired? ha. Felt kind of nice to put 2 minutes of effort into myself when inside I felt exhausted and was in a world of pain? Haha
Toiletries bag - shampoo & conditioner, moisturiser, deodorant, bodywash, toothbrush, toothpaste
Maternity freezer / cooling pads
Yes! Meant that I could use my phone in bed
Yes, small easy to eat snacks
Stretch mark cream / cocoa butter
Yes! It provided a lot of relief especially when my skin got really 'itchy' from the epidural and medications they were giving me in preparation for the emergency c-section
No, had no milk supply initially