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Picking the Perfect Wearable Pump for Aussie Mums on the Move - The Night Owl

Picking the Perfect Wearable Pump for Aussie Mums on the Move

Picking the Perfect Wearable Pump for Aussie Mums on the Move

​​Busy Aussie Mums on the move, we know your days are packed with countless tasks, and knowing how to choose a breast pump can be overwhelming. Whether you're rushing to catch the train for work or chasing after little ones at the park, we understand the need for convenience and efficiency in different breast pumps. That's why we’ve created this practical breast pump guide to help you know how to pick a breast pump that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Considerations for Working Australian Mums

For the hardworking Aussie mums navigating the intricate balance between work and motherhood, a dependable wearable breast pump is not just a convenience but an absolute necessity. When learning how to select a breast pump, it's crucial to prioritise discreet pumping options, quiet operation, and easy portability. 

At The Night Owl, we understand the multifaceted demands of your life, which is why our different types of breast pumps are meticulously designed to offer unparalleled functionality without compromising on comfort. With our pumps by your side, you can confidently express milk throughout your busy workday, knowing that every drop is effortlessly collected and your needs are met. 

Trust The Night Owl to support you in every step of your motherhood journey, empowering you to thrive in your professional and personal life easily and gracefully.

Features To Look For

How do I choose a breast pump? What is a good breast pump? These questions are the first that come to most Aussie mums’ minds. It’s essential to consider various features that can enhance your pumping experience and accommodate your specific needs:

Tailored Purpose

Before making a decision, assess your pumping requirements. Determine whether you need a pump for occasional use, such as relieving engorgement or building a supply, or if you'll be using it for regular pumping sessions, such as maintaining milk production while you're away from your baby. Understanding your purpose will help you select a pump that aligns with your breastfeeding goals.

Luxe Comfort

Comfort is paramount when it comes to breast pumping. Look for pumps equipped with soft silicone cushions that gently adhere to your breast, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit during each pumping session. Consider pumps with adjustable suction levels, allowing you to customise the suction strength to match your comfort level and milk flow.

Effortless Convenience

Are wearable breast pumps worth it? Well, as a busy mum on the move, convenience is key. Opt for wearable pumps that offer hands-free capabilities, allowing you to pump discreetly and multitask while expressing milk. Look for lightweight designs that won't weigh you down, whether running errands, commuting to work, or simply enjoying a day out with your baby. A pump that seamlessly integrates into your lifestyle will make pumping on the go hassle-free and convenient.

Replacement Parts and Accessories

When evaluating breast pumps, consider the additional accessories included with the pump. Look for pumps with carrying bags or tote options, providing a convenient and discreet way to transport your pump and accessories while on the move. 

Having extra pump parts on hand, such as spare valves, flange inserts, silicone shield, and replacement valve, can also be beneficial for troubleshooting any issues that may arise during pumping sessions. Choosing a pump with comprehensive accessories ensures you're well-equipped for any pumping scenario, whether at home or on the go.

Things to Consider 

We understand that choosing the right breast pump goes beyond basic features. Here are some additional factors to keep in mind:

  • Hospital-Grade vs. Regular: Determine whether a hospital-grade breast pump vs regular is necessary for your pumping needs. It’s interesting to note that although many wearable pumps are not hospital-grade, the ones we offer are. For instance, the Mumma Owl (15 levels) and Night Owl Original V2 (12 levels) pumps operate at up 300 mmHg which is in line with larger Hospital Grade pumps. 
  • Closed System: Ensure the pump you choose has a closed system to prevent milk from backing up into the motor, maintaining hygiene and safety.
  • Flange Sizes Available: Look for pumps that offer a variety of flange sizes to accommodate different breast shapes and sizes.
  • Performance: Research the pump's performance, including suction strength and battery life, to ensure it meets your pumping requirements.
  • Customer Service and Support: Choose a pump from a reputable company that offers reliable customer service and support.
  • Warranty: Check the warranty period and coverage to safeguard your investment in case of any issues.
  • Company Location: Consider purchasing from Australian companies like The Night Owl, ensuring local support and faster shipping options.
  • Health Insurance Claimable: Verify if the pump is claimable on health insurance and meets the requirements of Australian health fund providers.

Choosing the perfect wearable breast pump shouldn't be a daunting task. At The Night Owl, we offer a curated selection of pumps designed specifically for Aussie mums on the move. With features focused on comfort, convenience, and performance, our pumps are your perfect companion for effortless pumping wherever life takes you. Explore our range today and experience the freedom to pump on your terms.

Enjoy A Wide Range of Options From The Night Owl

For further assistance on how to order breast pumps or product inquiries, visit our website:

At The Night Owl, we're dedicated to making your breastfeeding journey as smooth and convenient as possible.

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