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All Your Questions About Breast Pumping Answered

All Your Questions About Breast Pumping Answered

Breastfeeding can feel like an Olympic sport at times, but throw in a breast pump, and suddenly you’re in the triathlon of parenting. Whether you’re a newbie to the breast pumping world or a seasoned pro, questions are bound to pop up. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of breast pumping!

Do I Need to Pump If I Exclusively Breastfeed?

Ah, the age-old question. If you're exclusively breastfeeding, you might think, "Why bother with a pump?" But, consider this: life is unpredictable. You might want a break, to store your milk supply for later, to increase your your milk supply, or need to leave bub with a grandparent while you catch up on some much-needed sleep (just to name a few examples). While pumping isn’t strictly necessary if you’re always breastfeeding, it can give you a bit of freedom—and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t appreciate that?

Can You Pump Too Much?

Yes, you can pump too much! While it might seem like more is better, over-pumping can lead to issues. Think of it like overwatering a plant. More doesn’t always mean better, and in this case, it could lead to engorgement, oversupply, or even the dreaded blocked ducts. So, moderation is key.

Can Pumping Too Much Decrease Milk Supply?

If you’re pumping way more then needed it can be physically and mentally exhausting, and stress or fatigue can impact milk production.

What Happens If You Don’t Pump?

Skipping a pump session occasionally won’t be the end of the world, but if it becomes a habit, you might end up with engorged breasts, a dip in milk supply, or a particularly grumpy baby. It's like skipping your morning coffee—not ideal!

Can You Breastfeed Without Pumping?

Absolutely! Breastfeeding without pumping is perfectly effective as long as your milk supply and baby's feeding needs are met. Pumping is more of a modern-day convenience than a necessity for many. If you’re happy breastfeeding directly, no pump required!

Do I Need a Breast Pump?

Need is a strong word. You don’t need a breast pump, but having one in your toolkit can be a game-changer. It’s like having a spare tyre—you might not use it every day, but when you do, you’ll be glad it’s there. For us and from the countless stories our customers share, having a breast pump has often felt like a lifesaver.

Is Breast Pumping the Same as Feeding directly from the Breast?

While both methods provide your baby with breast milk, they offer different experiences and benefits. Ultimately, they are two distinct methods of feeding your baby, and the right choice depends on what works best for you and your situation.

Should You Pump Until Empty?

Empty? We're never truly empty! The aim is to effectively remove milk, not to drain every last drop! A pumping session usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes, or until your milk slows down to just a few drops. It's a good idea to keep going for a few minutes after the flow stops since it might trigger another let-down. Some mums might need a bit more or less time, but generally, pumping for more than 30 minutes is too long.

Is It Better to Pump or Breastfeed?

It really depends on what works best for you and your baby, this ones a personal choice!

Should I Pump Every Time I Leak?

No need to whip out the pump every time you spring a leak. Leaks happen, especially in the early days. Grab a breast pad and go about your day. Save the pump for when you actually need it.

What Happens If You Pump Too Long?

Pumping too long can lead to sore nipples, and trust me, that is not a fun time. Plus, it’s a time suck (pun intended). For most sticking to around 15-20 minutes per session keeps things comfortable, more then 30 minutes is often a bit much. 

Does Pumping Hurt as Much as Breastfeeding?

Pain is subjective, but generally, pumping shouldn’t hurt. If it does, check the fit of your breast shields or flanges (find ours here fitting-guide) , or try adjusting the suction or positioning. Think of it like wearing a hat—if it’s squeezing too tight or sitting wrong, you’ll feel it and know something's off and needs to be adjusted.

At the end of the day-

Breast pumping doesn’t have to be a mystery or a chore. With the right tools, like wearable breast pumps from The Night Owl, and a bit of knowledge, you’ll be pumping like a pro in no time. Whether you’re pumping to stock up, to relieve engorgement, or just to give yourself a break, you’ve got this, Mumma!

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