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Power Pumping to Increase Supply: Does It Work?

Power Pumping to Increase Supply: Does It Work?

Let's dive into a hot topic among mums: power pumping to increase supply. Does it really work? Let's find out!

What is Power Pumping?

Power pumping is like a workout for your milk supply. It mimics the frequent, cluster-feeding pattern of a baby during growth spurts, signalling your body to ramp up milk production. Think of it as sending a clear message to your breasts: "We need more milk!"

Power Pumping Guide

Try scheduling a few short pumping sessions close together to mimic your baby’s cluster feeding pattern.

Here’s a simple power pumping guide to get you started:

  1. Choose a Relaxing Time: Find an hour when you can relax without interruptions.
  2. Pump for 10 Minutes: Start with a 10-minute pumping session.
  3. Rest for 10 Minutes: Take a 10-minute break.
  4. Pump for 10 Minutes: Pump again for 10 minutes.
  5. Rest for 10 Minutes: Another 10-minute break.
  6. Pump for 10 Minutes: Finish with a final 10-minute pump.

Signs of Established Milk Supply

Before diving into power pumping, it's crucial to understand if your milk supply is already well-established. Signs include your baby gaining weight consistently, frequent wet nappies, and breasts feeling softer after feeds.

When Does Milk Supply Regulate?

Typically, milk supply regulates around 6-12 weeks postpartum. This means your body adjusts to your baby’s needs, and milk production stabilises. If you notice a drop in supply or if you’re pumping to increase supply for other reasons, power pumping might be the boost you need.

How Do You Know If Your Milk Supply Is Low?

Wondering how to know if your milk supply is low? Signs include fewer wet nappies, your baby seems unsatisfied after feeds, and slow weight gain. If you’re concerned, consult a lactation expert or GP. Please also note that pumping is not always an indication of your milk supply.

What Happens If I Miss a Breast Pumping Session?

Missed a session? Don’t stress! Life happens. If you miss a pumping session, simply pump longer at the next session or add an extra session later in the day. The key is to maintain overall frequency.

How to Increase Milk Supply During Period

Did you know your period can affect your milk supply? Hormonal changes might cause a temporary dip. Combat this by staying hydrated, maintaining a regular pumping schedule, and possibly adding in a power pumping session.

Pumping Schedule to maintain Milk Supply

 Aim to pump around the same times each day, ideally every 2-3 hours, to signal your body to continue producing milk. Additionally, if you're away from your baby for an extended period, try to pump as frequently as your baby would feed to maintain milk production and prevent engorgement.


How to Pump to Increase Supply

To effectively pump to increase supply, ensure you’re using the right pump settings and flange size. Comfort is essential. Use our how to guide to learn more about the best modes and settings to maximise output and comfort. 

So, does power pumping work? For many mums, the answer is a resounding yes! It can be a game-changer in boosting your milk supply. Remember, every mum's journey is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. Be patient, stay consistent, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

We hope this power pumping guide helps you on your breastfeeding journey. Here at The Night Owl, we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way.

Happy pumping! xx

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