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Tune-into-Your-Body-Signs-Your-Milk-Supply-Is-Dropping-and-Steps-You-Should-Take The Night Owl{Wearable breast pump} {breast pump} {hands free breast pump} {portable breast pump} 

Tune into Your Body: Signs Your Milk Supply Is Dropping and Steps You Should Take

Tune into Your Body: Signs Your Milk Supply Is Dropping and Steps You Should Take

As a mum, nurturing your little one is top priority, and breastfeeding can often play a big part in that connection. But sometimes, the journey isn't as smooth as we'd like. Recognising the signs that your milk supply might be dwindling is crucial for sticking to your breastfeeding goals. Let's delve into the signs and actionable steps you can take to boost your milk production and keep nourishing your bub.

1. Weight Gain and Growth Patterns:

  • Keeping an eye on your bub's weight gain and growth patterns can give you important clues about your milk supply.
  • Slow weight gain or growth might indicate a drop in milk production.
  • Keep track of your bub's weight gain through regular check-ups with the baby doctor and monitoring nappy output.

2. Decreased Nursing Frequency:

  • Changes in how often your bub nurses can signal a drop in milk supply.
  • Look out for signs like shorter nursing sessions or longer breaks between feeds.
  • Acting on these changes quickly can help stop further decline in milk production.

3. Decreased Milk Expression:

  • If you're expressing milk, pay attention to any decrease in the amount you're able to pump. Although it is important to note that the amount you're pumping isn't necessarily an indication of your milk supply.
  • A sudden dip in milk expression might mean your milk supply is dropping.
  • Trying strategies to improve milk expression can help kick-start production.

4. Breast Changes and Sensations:

  • Notice any changes in your breasts, like feeling less full or softer.
  • Pay attention to reduced sensations of let-down during feeds or expressing sessions.
  • These changes could mean your milk production is decreasing and need attention.

5. Bub's Behaviour During Feeds:

  • Watch how your bub behaves during feeds for signs of frustration or fussiness.
  • A bub who seems unsatisfied after feeds or shows signs of hunger soon after might not be getting enough milk.
  • Dealing with feeding difficulties promptly can help maintain your milk supply and ensure your bub gets the nourishment they need.

Steps You Should Take:

1. Increase Nursing Frequency:

  • Offer your bub the breast more often to stimulate milk production.
  • Consider doing skin-to-skin contact and baby-led feeding to boost breastfeeding sessions.

2. Ensure Proper Latch and Positioning:

  • Make sure your bub is latching on correctly to maximise milk transfer.
  • Try different nursing positions to find what works best for you and your bub.

3. Stay Hydrated and Well-Nourished:

  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  • Eat a balanced diet full of nutrients to support milk production.
  • Look into laction cookies or superfoods to help with supply and quality.

4. Seek Support and Guidance:

  • Reach out to a lactation consultant or breastfeeding support group for tailored advice.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for help from mates, family, or healthcare pros if you're facing breastfeeding challenges.

Spotting the signs of decreasing milk supply is the first step towards addressing the issue and ensuring continued breastfeeding success. By staying tuned in to your body and your bub's cues, and taking proactive steps to boost milk production, you can overcome challenges and keep providing some of the best nourishment for your little one.

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